Vodka «DARMON»

Starfall once inspired us to create what will be our source of strength and wisdom



Starfall once inspired us to create what would be our source of strength and wisdom. Thousands of stars crumble over our edge every night. They shine in every city and village: silently looking at the mighty mountains of Chimgan, on the endless Ustyurt plateau, on the mesmerizing jade lakes. Sometimes the stars break down and fly down - this is the moment when we make wishes, and they are incredibly fulfilled. For long months, we built a fragile balance and looked for harmony - similar to the one that reigns in the starry sky. We took the softest water, cleaned it and gently mixed it with alcohol. They added what our land is famous for - dried apricots, raisins, nuts and a particle of our soul. In every drop, you can feel the endless respect and tenderness for our lakes, mountains and plains, the power of our magical land, the love of freedom and the thirst for life.

Thus magically similar to starfall appeared DARMON vodka - passing 22 degrees of filtration.

darmon 01

• ABV 40%

Ingredients: Alcohol of class "Lux," specially prepared drinking water, sugar syrup, alcohol infusion of oats, alcohol infusion of fresh pears, alcohol infusion of dried apricots.

darmon 02

• ABV 37,5%

Ingredients: "Lux" class alcohol, specially prepared drinking water, sugar syrup, oatmeal alcohol infusion, alcohol uryuka infusion.

darmon 03

• ABV 40%

Ingredients: Alcohol of class "Lux," specially prepared drinking water, sugar syrup, alcohol infusion of oats, alcohol infusion of green apples, alcohol infusion of fresh pears.

darmon 04

• ABV 40%

Ingredients: Alcohol of class "Lux," specially prepared drinking water, sugar syrup, alcohol infusion of oat flakes, alcohol raisins infusion, alcohol dried apricots infusion.

Uniqueness of TM bottle "DARMON"
  1. Unique design of a bottle with patterns designed by European craftsmen
  2. Metallized labels with the application of pure gold
  3. Metal closure manufactured in Europe with a protective red ring
  4. Laser marking of date of filling and filling line on cap for protection
  5. Volumetric logo on the bottom of the bottle

Целевая аудитория и ситуации потребления.
  • 30-45 years,men and women, above the middle income level. Specialists, managers who respect culture, who know a lot about good vodka. Ready to pay for quality.
    Friendly meetings, family and business events, gifts.

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